It is anodyne, antitussive, depurative, diuretic and stimulates blood circulation. When inhaled it induces sneezing and so it is used to relieve nasal congestion, especially during coughs and colds, in ozena, and in headaches. It is also useful in paralysis, joint pain and sexual debility.
Recommended Dosage
1 to 3 g powder of whole plant.
This herb has no known warnings or contraindications.
Centipeda minima,General Information
Centipeda minima is a small, erect to prostrate herb, often much branched from the base, that usually has stems 8 – 20cm long, sometimes to 30cm
The plant is widely used in traditional medicine
It is harvested from the wild for mainly local medicinal use
Known Hazards
The plant is said to have caused poisoning of livestock in northern Australia
E. Asia – China, Japan, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines to New Guinea, Australia and the Pacific Islands.
Humid open locations; thinly grassed patches in savannah; banks of permanent waterholes; muddy banks of rivers; fallow rice-fields and waste land; at elevations from sea-level to 1,200 metres, sometimes to 2,400 metres
Weed Potential | Yes |
Medicinal Rating | |
Habit | Perennial |
Height | 0.10 m |
Cultivation Status | Wild |
Cultivation Details
The plant can be a weed of cultivated crops, but is considered to be only a minor weed because it does not root deeply, and it stays small
Edible Uses
None known
In China, the plant is considered a hot and dry medicine which is useful as a decoction in the treatment of paralysis and pain in the joints, and also against malaria, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, eczema, insect or snake bites, and opium poisoning
Taken with wine, it is a remedy for internal injuries
The plant is used in general as a treatment for eye and sinus infections and nose polyps. The leaves, when squeezed between the fingers and inhaled, make the eyes water, clear the head and provoke sneezing
The plant is also used as a treatment against cough, common cold and bronchitis
The herb is boiled to a paste and applied to the cheeks in order to alleviate toothache, and is also used as a topical application on other swellings and inflammations
The seed, or the dried aerial parts, are used as a vermifuge and amoebicide
The plant contains an essential oil, myriogynic acid and a bitter principle
The essential oil contains bitter compounds such as myriogynic acid and myriogynin, several flavonoids, pentacyclic triterpenes and and several sesquiterpene lactones
The sesquiterpene lactones have shown antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus in vitro
An aqueous extract of the above-ground plant parts showed in vitro activity against Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia intestinalis and Plasmodium falciparum. Activity was found to be caused by the sesquiterpene lactone brevilin
A۔ Ether, methanol and aqueous extracts showed significant anti-allergy activity in the passive cutaneous anaphylaxis test
A methanolic extract of dried aerial parts showed significant activity against herpes simplex virus, polio virus and sindbis virus
An infusion of dried plants exhibited antitussive activity, whilst the aqueous extract showed antispasmodic activity
The ether extract showed anaphylactic activity
Plant extracts also show moderate antimutagenic activity
Other Uses
None known
Seed –
نک چھکنی ، ناک چھکنی
یہ ایک مفروش بوٹی ہے۔جو سبزی مائل زرد ہوتی ہے۔پتے چھوٹے گاجر کے پتوں کی طرح لیکن ان سے چھوٹے اور زمین پر مفروش بچھی ہوئی ہوتی ہے چھتہ دار ہوتی ہے۔یہ سخت لیکن نمناک زمیں پر پیدا ہوتی ہے۔پھول سفید یا زرد گچھوں میں لگتے ہیں جو گول ننھے لونگ کی مانند اس کے بیج مثل تکمہ چھوٹے اور چٹپے ہوتے ہیں ۔
مزاج ۔ گرم خشک درجہ سوم
افعال ۔ معطس دافع امراض بلغمیہ و عصبانیہ مقوی معدہ مقوی باہ جالی ۔
استعمال ۔
احتباس نزلہ و زکام درد سر نزلہ اوردرد سر بارد میں اس کا پاؤڈر بناکرسنگھاتے ہیں جس سے چھینکوں کے ذریعے فاسد رطوبت خارج ہوجاتی ہے۔امراض باردہ بلغمیہ اور معدے کو قوت دینے بھوک لگانے صلابت طحال کو دورکرنے کیلئے بھی استعمال کرتے ہیں بلکہ اس کے لئے نک چھکنی کے پتے گھوٹ کر پلانے مفید ہے اس کے پتوں کا سفوف بقدر ایک گرام قند سیاہ میں لپیٹ کر کھلانے سے ٹلی ہوئی ناف اپنی جگہ آجاتی ہے۔مقوی باہ ہونے کی وجہ سے اس کی معجون بنائی جاتی ہے۔جوتقویت باہ کے لئے مستعمل ہے ۔
جالی ہونے کی وجہ سے اس کا ضماد سفیدو سیاہ داغ جھائیں چھبب اور چہرے کی کھجلی کو دور کرتی ہے اور اس کا ضماد کرنے سے دار کو فائدہ ہوتاہے۔
مصلحَ ۔ کتیرا ،روغن بادام یا زرد
بدل ۔ سن کے بیج ،چھینکوں کیلئے کائپھل
مقدارخوراک ۔ایک سے دو گرام ۔
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