Gilo, Heart-Leaved Moonseed
Tinospora Cordifolia Health Benefits
Giloy is one of the most important herbs to exist in Ayurveda. It is also known as Indian Tinospora or (Giloya/Guduchi) in Hindi. Giloy has often been called Amruta, the Indian name for nectar. It is used for a variety of purposes, especially when it comes to treating diseases.
How Giloy Is Used Along With Several Diseases?
1. Giloy can be used along with castor oil to relieve gout.
2. It can be used along with ginger to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
3. Giloy is used with sugar to treat skin and liver related diseases.
4. It is also used with ghee to treat arthritis.
5. Giloy is used with jaggery for treating constipation.
Following are the benefits of giloy. Do give a read.
1. Boosts Immunity:
The first and most important benefit of Giloy is its ability to boost immunity. It acts as a rejuvenating agent too. Giloy contains antioxidant properties that improve health and fight dangerous diseases. Giloy also removes toxins from both the kidneys and the liver and makes sure to flush out free radicals. In addition to all this, Giloy even fights bacteria that cause disease and also combats liver diseases and urinary tract infections (1).
2. Treats Chronic Fever:
Another benefit of Giloy is that it treats chronic fever and diseases. Since it is anti-pyretic in nature, it can reduce signs and symptoms of several life threatening conditions. It increases the count of your blood platelets and alleviates symptoms of dengue fever as well. You may take a little extract of Giloy and combine it with honey. This will successfully treat malaria.
3. Boosts Digestion:
Giloy can also take care of your digestive system. This Giloy herb is popularly known for treating ailments of several kinds. In fact, you can use this simple remedy at home in order to maximize the results. Take half a gram of Giloy powder along with some amla regularly. Giloy juice can also be taken along with buttermilk in order to maximize the results. This remedy can be used for patients suffering from piles as well. In short, Giloy relaxes the mind and prevents indigestion
4. Diabetes:
If you suffer from diabetes, Giloy would definitely be effective for you. Giloy acts as a hypoglycaemic agent. It can lower the levels of blood pressure and lipids. This makes it very easy to treat type 2 diabetes. Diabetic patients can also take Giloy juice in order to reduce high levels of blood sugar.
5. Herb:
Did you know Giloy can also be used as an adaptogenic herb? It can reduce both mental stress as well as anxiety. Giloy is often combined with other herbs to make an excellent health tonic. It will boost memory and help you pay attention at work (2). It can clear all brain toxins too. Giloy has often been called an anti-aging herb.
6. Asthma:
Asthma is one of the most dangerous diseases cited so far. It causes chest tightness, shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing etc. One should also remember that it is very difficult to treat such a condition. However, simple steps can be taken to reduce asthmatic symptoms. One solution is definitely Giloy. It has often been used by experts to treat asthma patients.
7. Gouty Arthritis:
If you know someone who is suffering from gouty arthritis, do tell them about Giloy. It contains anti-flammatory as well as anti-arthritic properties that take care of arthritis and its several symptoms, including joint pains (3).
8. Aphrodisiac:
Do you feel like you aren’t all that good in bed? Don’t worry! You can now spice up your sex life by adding a bit of Giloy! Experts do believe that Giloy contains properties of an aphrodisiac that will boost libido and turn you into an absolute Goddess in bed (4).
9. Eye Disorders:
Giloy can also be used to treat eye disorders. It boosts clarity and helps you see better without spectacles. In fact, in some parts of India, people do apply Giloy to the eyes. Just boil some of it in water, let it cool down and apply all over the eye lid. You will definitely see a change.
10. Reduces Signs Of Aging:
Giloy can also be used to treat signs of aging. It contains anti-aging properties that reduce dark spots, pimples, fine lines and wrinkles. It keeps your skin bright, young and beautiful.
Is Giloy Safe For Kids?
Giloy is safe for children who are aged five years and above. However, doses shouldn’t be given for more than one to two weeks.
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Giloy in eye diseases
- Giloy phytochemicals helps to clarify the eyes and makes your eyes to see without use of your spectacles.
How to use Giloy in eye diseases
- In some parts of india, people apply Giloy to the eyes. For this take out 10 ml juice of Giloy and mix rock salt and honey in it. Apply this on your eyes. This remedy is helps to treat the problems of scleral itching, cataract and corneal disorders.
- Decoction of Giloy can be taken with triphala. Mix some honey and peepal powder in it. Consume this two times in a day. This tonic helps to improve the eyesight.
Giloy in fever
- It acts as antibacterial, antiviral and boosts the body immunity that helps to treat any kind of fever.
Use of Giloy in fever
- Take 1-2 gm long pepper, honey and 20 ml juice of Giloy and drink every morning and evening.
- In case of high fever, take 40 gm Giloy, soak into half glass water for whole night. Strain the solution in the morning and consume 20 ml of this solution.
Giloy in tuberculosis
It is very helpful to manage tuberculosis. It can be taken as:
Make the decoction of herbs Giloy, asparagus, Malabar nut, dashmool, balamool, winter cherry and indian atis. Consume up to 60 ml two times a day.
Giloy in treating cancer
- The phytochemicals found in the Giloy plant such as berberine, palmarin, giloinin, giloin, tinosporol, tinosporin and more help to treat the problem of cancer.
- In ayurveda, it is considered that Giloy, aloe vera and wheatgrass help to treat blood cancer.
How it will be consumed?
- Take a long piece of Giloy, a cup of wheatgrass juice and 4 inch aloe leaf. Combine the juices of all herbs and consume regularly to manage the condition of cancer.
Giloy in urinary disorders
- It is famous for its diuretic, anti-periodic, alternative and febrifuge properties. These properties help to treat urinary infections.
How to consume?
- Take 30 ml decoction of Giloy and leadwort and drink every morning and evening.
- Consume 15-20 ml Giloy juice three times in a day.
- Make the herbal decoction of herbs Giloy, satpal, triphala and ghee. Consume in infection and fever.
Giloy for indigestion
- It is a great tonic that improves digestion.
How to take?
- Take Giloy stem and boil in water till its half volume, add 3 pinches of pippali in it. Consume 10-15 ml two times in a day. It is advisable to take before food and with honey.
- Another we can also take quarter teaspoon of Giloy with amla powder.A cup of buttermilk with Giloy powder is also beneficial.
Giloy in gout
- To treat and manage gout galoy can be taken as
- Boil stem of Giloy in water and filter. Consume 20 -30 ml this twice a day.
- Mix Giloy extract with castor oil and consume, a great remedy for gout.
Anti-bacterial properties
- Giloy phytochemicals tend to show the properties of being anti-bacterial.
- Giloy in bacterial infections can be taken as:
- Make the decoction of Giloy stem with basil leaves and consume regularly.
- This is very helpful to treat swine-flu.
- In the problem of heavy bleeding Giloy proven a tonic.
It can be taken as
- Make juice of Giloy and consume it two times a day
Skin disorders
- It consists of anti-aging and blood purifying properties that helps to keep skin smooth, wrinkle free and healthy.
Giloy can be taken as
- Mix some Giloy juice with amla and turmeric..
Gilo – Heart-Leaved Moonseed – گلو
ماہیت ۔ گلو مشہور اور لمبی عمر والی نمابوٹی ہے ۔ یہ اپنے نزدیک کے کسی درخت دیوار یا کسی اور سہارے سے اوپرسے بل کھاتی ہوئی بڑھتی ہے اس کے تنے سے بہت سی ڈنڈیاں نکل کر زمین میں دھنس جاتی ہے یا اس کی ٹہنیوں کا کاٹ کر زمین میں گاڑدینے سے نئے پودے پیداہوتے ہیں ۔تنے کے اوپر کی چھال بہت پتلی اور مٹیالی ہوتی ہے۔لیکن نیچے سے سبز ہوتی ہے ۔ پتے پان کے پتوں کی طرح ہوتے ہیں ۔ جو پانچ سے بارہ سینٹی میٹر تک لمبے ہوتے ہیں ۔ جن کا رنگ گہر ا سبز اور آگے سے نوک دار ہوتے ہیں پھول گرمیوں میں چھوٹے چھوٹے زرد رنگ کے گچھوں کی شکل میں لگتے ہیں ۔ ان کے بیج ٹیڑھے اور چکنے سے ہوتے ہیں ۔ اس کے تمام جزو کڑوے ہوتے ہیں ۔ آیورویدک شاستر میں آملہ گلو اور ہرہڑ کو امرت سے پیدا ہوئے مانتے ہیں جس کی وجہ سے ان کو امرتا بھی کیاجاتاہے۔
مقام پیدائش ۔ پاکستان و ہندوستان ۔۔۔ درخت نیم پر چڑھی ہوئی گلوبہترین ہوتی ہے۔
مزاج ۔ گرم خشک ۔۔درجہ اول ۔ بعض کے نزدیک مرکب القویٰ سرد خشک ۔
افعال ۔ دافع بخار، مقوی و قابض معدہ ، قاتل کرم شکم ، مصفیٰ خون نافع سوزاک و جریان مدربول ۔
استعمال ۔ گلوسبز بخار کی جملہ اقسام حتی ٰ کہ حمیات مرکبہ مزمنہ اور تپ دق کیلئے نقوعاًو مطبوعاًمستعمل ہے اگر گلو سبز سے پانی نچوڑ کر استعمال لیاجائے تو وہ زیادہ قوی اثر ہوتاہے۔قابض ہونے کی وجہ سے اسہال مزمنہ اور اسہال خونی کے بندکرنے کیلئے استعمال کراتے ہیں اور سوزاک و جریان میں بھی تنہایا مناسب ادویہ کے ہمراہ مستعمل ہے۔ مصفی ٰ خون ہونے کی وجہ سے امراض جلدیہ اور آتشک و جذام میں استعمال کراتے ہیں تلخ ہونے کی وجہ سے کرم شکم کے قتل کرنے کیلئے پلاتے ہیں ۔ اس کا نشاستہ بھی ست گلو کے نام سے استعمال کیاجاتاہے ۔ مزمن بخار کیلئے گلو سبز ٹکڑے کرکے رات کو گرم پانی میں بھگو دیتے ہیں اور صبح کو زلال لے کر شربت بنفشہ ملاکرپلاتے ہیں ۔
گلو کو مناسب ادویہ کے ہمراہ اسہال سوزاک اور جریان میں استعمال کرتے ہیں جیسے اسہال و پیچش میں پسی ہوئی سونٹھ زخم میں شہد تپ لرزہ میں طباشیر اور سوزاک میں کشتہ قلوی کے ہمراہ دیاجاتاہے۔
گلوکو خوب کچل کر چار سے چھ گھنٹہ پانی میں جوش دیں پھرچھان کر پانی کو اتناخشک کریں وہ گولیاں بنانے کے لائق بن جائے تو یہ عصارہ گلوبن جائے گا جو مصفیٰ خون ، دافع بخار اور قاتل کرم شکم ہوگا۔اس میں ہڑتال گاؤدنتی کا عمدہ کشتہ دافع بخار تیار ہوتاہے۔
فوائد خاص ۔ دافع حمیات ،مصفیٰ خون ۔
مضر۔ بے ضرر ہے۔
مصلح ۔ طباشیر ،دانہ ہیل
بدل ۔ ست گلو۔
مقدارخوراک ۔ خشک گلو دس گرام سے بیس گرام تک آب گلو – گلو کی شاخ اور پتوں کو نچوڑ کر لیاجائےبیس سے تیس گرام تک
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