Recommended Dosage
Bark : 375 mg to 2 g powder; Oil : 1 to 3 drops. For external application only.
If pregnant or breast-feeding do not consume more cinnamon than is normally present in food. Men with prostate problems, diabetics and those taking blood thinners should consult a health care provider before using this herb. This product is not recommended if you have a tendency toward excessive menstrual bleeding. Taking this herb and antibiotics together may make the antibiotic not work for you. Increased heart rate (pulse), feeling dizzy, shortness of breath and redness of the face may occur if you take too much Cinnamon. Undiluted essential oil in their purest state is extremely potent, and should be blended with a carrier oil or other medium prior to use directly on the skin, as the essential oil may cause irritation.
Benefits of a Tablespoon of Cinnamon and Honey Everyday
Cinnamon and honey are two nutritious foods that boast numerous health properties and delicious flavor. If you combine them, you will increase their benefits and make it easier to consume them everyday.
To name just some of its healthful properties, this mixture can help you lose weight, raise defenses, improve digestion, care for joints, treat insomnia and stress, and increase libido.
The mixture of cinnamon and honey, when consumed daily like we will explain below, will give you the following health benefits:
- Lose weight: it helps you activate your metabolism and reduce your craving to consume sugar. Cinnamon is also a regulator of glucose levels in the blood and helps you eliminate excess liquids and fats in your body as well. Consume it mixed in hot water between meals.
- Raise defenses: this combination is highly caloric and also functions as a natural antibiotic. In other words, it helps you helps you get rid of coldness in your body and prevent diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.
- It combats and relieves throat infections: its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties allow for the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, aphonia, dysphonia, etc. Mix a tablespoon with warm water and sip and gargle it.
- Improves joint health: thanks to its calorific and antioxidant properties, this mixture is great for diseases like arthrosis, osteoarthritis, etc.
- Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease: because it improves circulation, reduces cholesterol, strengthens your heart, and regulates its rhythm.
- Increases libido: cinnamon is considered to be one of the best natural aphrodisiacs in men as well as women. Take a tablespoon in the morning and one before bed.
- Improves digestion and fights acidity: in this case, take a cup of warm water with a tablespoon of the mixture preferably before lunch. However, you can also take it after an infusion.
- Gives energy and prevents stress: its calorific and toning properties help you revitalize your body. Take a tablespoon on an empty stomach, preferably.
- Rejuvenates the body: internally as well as externally. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it helps reduce tissue damage caused by the passing of time, which is why it is a good beauty remedy. It also helps prevent chronic diseases.
- Fights insomnia: take a tablespoon with a glass of hot water before going to bed.
What You Need
You just need cinnamon and honey. They should both be high quality.
The honey should be organic because this will guarantee that it has been processed naturally with no added substances. It should also be raw honey, or the kind that has not been cooked at high temperatures in order for it to always look liquid. In other words, it should harden in cold temperatures. When it’s cold, you can heat it in a bain-marie to melt it without it losing its properties.
On the other hand, cinnamon should also be organic. You can find out its quality from its aroma.
How to Make it
Mix the liquid honey and cinnamon until it is very thick. Conserve it in a hermetically sealable glass container. You can keep it out of the fridge if it is in a cool place and it is not very hot out. This preparation stays good for a long time without any conservatives thanks to the properties of cinnamon and honey.
How to Consume it
You should take a tablespoon of this preparation daily as a standard dosage. For small children, the standard dosage should be a teaspoon.
You can mix it with a little bit of hot water and it will have the flavor of a sweetened infusion. You can also mix it with cold water. In this way, it will be a refreshing and healthy beverage. You can also combine it with juice, milk, or yogurt, but never cooked.
We recommend that you always ask your doctor or naturopath before doing any kind of treatment because natural products also have contraindications with medications. The excessive consumption can cause unwanted side effects.
Cinnamon Health Benefits for Men
Cinnamon the popular spice we all know is got from the bark of the tree that is native to Southeast Asia, China and India. There are several varieties of cinnamon but the ones which are commonly used are Cassia or Chinese cinnamon and Ceylon or ‘true’ cinnamon. Cinnamon has been used in traditional medicine to treat various health problems like gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, loss of appetite, bronchitis etc. Cinnamon bark is usually consumed as powder, capsules, liquid extracts or teas.
Health Benefits of Cinnamon for Men
Cinnamon offers many health benefits for both men and women. According to ‘Nutrition Data’, this product is a good source of vitamin K and iron and a very good source of calcium, manganese and dietary fiber. It also contains other important nutrients like vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, monosaccharide, phosphorous, zinc, potassium, selenium, choline, lycopene and more in trace amounts.
Diabetes: Studies have been conducted on the effects of cinnamon extracts in patients with type 2 diabetes. In a group of 60 people, 30 women and 30 men were selected and divided into 6 groups. While three groups were given 1, 3 and 6g cinnamon a day the rest of the groups received a placebo for 40 days in all. After this the fasting serum glucose, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and levels of triglyceride were measured. The results found that the levels of all these parameters reduced and it suggests that if both men and women with type 2 diabetes add cinnamon in their diets, it could decrease the risk factors of not only diabetes but also cardiovascular diseases.
Erectile Dysfunction: This is also called impotence and affects many men. Usually men suffer from erectile problems for short periods and it could be caused due to stress, anxiety or lack of self-confidence. Sometimes, other health problems like cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure or diabetes could also cause erectile dysfunction. We have already seen that cinnamon could benefit men with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Some people claim that cassia cinnamon is useful for erectile dysfunction.
Alzheimer’s disease: Regular use of cinnamon is said to arrest signs of aging. Studies have found that CEppt an extract from cinnamon bark could inhibit the progress of Alzheimer’s’ and could even prevent it. Mice that had an aggressive form of Alzheimer’s were fed CEppt extracts and after four months, the progress of the disease was slowed down significantly and their longevity also improved.
Antioxidant: Cinnamon has been studied along with other Indian spices like ginger, garlic, mint, onion, pepper and cloves for its antioxidant benefits and its ability to reduce lipid peroxidation. Cinnamon was found to offer significant antioxidant benefits.
Other Possible Benefits:
- Anti-Clotting Actions of cinnamaldehyde has been studied. It was found to prevent the release of arachidonic acid an inflammatory fatty acid and hence could be used for inflammatory conditions like arthritis.
- Anti-Microbial: Cinnamon can prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria – especially Candida.
- Colon Health: Since cinnamon contains fiber and manganese, it can help with bile excretion and prevent damage of colon cells. To make more bile, cholesterol has to be broken down. This reduces cholesterol levels and is therefore helpful in preventing diseases like atherosclerosis. The fiber content in cinnamon provides benefits for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
- HIV: Indian medicinal plants like cinnamon especially Cassia cinnamon was found to be effective in treating HIV.
- Multiple Sclerosis: Cinnamon could halt the progress of multiple sclerosis.
- Indigestion could be relieved by consuming cinnamon extracts.
Taken in small quantities (6g a day for 6 weeks), cinnamon is likely safe for most people. Those who develop an allergy must stop using this product. Cassia cinnamon contains coumarin that could affect blood clotting. Hence, those requiring surgery, those taking diabetes medications, those with breast cancer or liver problems must check before using cinnamon. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised against using cinnamon products. Excess use could cause mouth sores. Externally, cinnamon products could cause skin inflammation if a person develops an allergy
Cinnamon: Side-effects, contraindications
Cinnamon has no side-effects within the recommended dosage. Care should be taken however with pure Cinnamon essential oil as it is toxic when used in high doses or when used continuously for too long, as well as being dermocaustic (burns the skin and mucous membranes). It must thus be used sparingly, and must be mixed with other weaker essential oils (Lavender oil, Mandarin oil…), or vegetable oils (as Cinnamon essential oil is a major oil, one of the most powerful in the world). The toxicity of the oil in high doses is linked to the presence of a substance called coumarin (even if in small doses it presents no danger); it should be noted that coumarin is much more present in Chinese Cinnamon than in Ceylon Cinnamon (from Sri Lanka). In addition, Cinnamon essential oil in higher doses can provoke nausea and headache, and when taken in high quantities, can have a hypertensive effect and can provoke heart palpitations, especially if used with other plants such as Coffee or Black Tea. Finally, pregnant women and young children should avoid taking Cinnamon, especially the essential oil.
Amount Per
Calories 19 |
% Daily Value* | |
Total Fat 0.1 g | 0% |
Saturated fat 0 g | 0% |
Polyunsaturated fat 0 g | |
Monounsaturated fat 0 g | |
Trans fat 0 g | |
Cholesterol 0 mg | 0% |
Sodium 1 mg | 0% |
Potassium 34 mg | 0% |
Total Carbohydrate 6 g | 2% |
Dietary fiber 4.1 g | 16% |
Sugar 0.2 g | |
Protein 0.3 g | 0% |
Vitamin A | 0% | Vitamin C | 0% |
Calcium | 7% | Iron | 3% |
Vitamin D | 0% | Vitamin B-6 | 0% |
Vitamin B-12 | 0% | Magnesium | 1% |
ماہیت ۔
اس کا درخت درمیانہ قد کا ہرا بھر ا ہوتاہے۔اور تیز پات کے درختوں سے کچھ بڑا اس کی چھال سرخ بھوری مائل جوکہ پتلی اورخوشبو دار ہوتی ہے۔پتے ڈنڈی دار چار سے سات آٹھ انچ لمبے اور دو تین انچ چوڑے بھالے کی طرح نوک دار جس پر چار پانچ لمبائی کے رخ میں دھاریاں ہوتی ہیں ۔پھول بیگنی رنگ کے ککر دندے سے چھوٹے اور گول ہوتے ہیں ۔چھال پتلی اور آسانی سے ٹوٹنے والی ہوتی ہے۔چھال کے اوپر باریک باریک نقطے اور لہر دار لکیریں اندرسے سیاہی مائل اور خوشبودار ذائقہ شیریں ہوتاہے۔بطوردوایہی چھال استعمال ہوتی ہے۔
افعال ۔
دافع تعفن خاذب محرک مسکن اوجاع جالی مفرح قلب و دماغ محرک اعضائے تنفس منفث بلغم مقوی معدہ و جگر قابض آمعاء ،محرک باہ ،مدرحیض دافع امراض عصبیہ ۔
استعمال ۔
دارچینی ہوئے دہن کو خوشبودار بنانے اور دانتوں کو مضبوط کرنے کیلئے سفوفات میں شامل کرتے ہیں ۔کھانسی دمہ کو زائل کرنے کیلئے شہد میں ملا کر چٹاتے ہیں یا جوشاندہ بناکر پلاتے ہیں ضعف معدہ اور اسہال و پیچش کو دور کرنے کیلئے مناسب ادویہ کے ہمراہ سفوف بناکر کھلاتے ہیں ۔
ادرارحیض کیلئے جوشاندہ بناکر پلاتے ہیں بحتہ الصورت بودار قصبہ الریہ اور سینہ کو بلغم سے صاف کرتی ہے۔نسیان صرع خصیہ میں پانی میں اترانے اور رعشہ میں خصوصاًمفید ہے۔بھوک کی کمی کو دور کرتی ہے۔نیز اپھارہ درد شکم میں بھی مفید ہے۔استسقائے ذقی ولحمی میں ہلیلہ کابلی کیساتھ مفید ہے۔ دافع تعفن ہونے کی وجہ سے انفلوئنزاتپ محرقہ ہیضہ وبایہ میں بکثرت استعمال ہوتاہے اور حفظ ماتقدم کیلئے بھی مفید ہے۔سردی کی وجہ سے بار بار پیشاب آتا ہے۔تو دار چینی کا سفوف دو گرام ہمراہ دودھ کھلانامفیدہے۔
دارچینی کا بیرونی استعمال ۔
بہق و کلف جیسے امراض کا زائل کرنے کیلئے اس کا ضماد کا طلاء کیاجاتاہے۔مقوی باہ ادویہ میں شامل کرکے روغن کشید کرتے ہیں اور ضعف باہ کو دور کرنے کیلئے عضو مخصوص پر طلا کرتے ہیں ۔یا مناسب ادویہ کے ہمراہ پیس کر ضماد کرتے ہیں سردی کےسردرد کو رفع کرنے کیلئے پانی میں پیش کر پیشانی پر لگاتے ہیں قوبا قرح نمش اور جلد کے داغ دھبوں کو دور کرتے ہیں ۔
فوائد خاص ۔ مقوی اعضاء رئیسہ ۔
مضر ۔ مثانہ کو۔
بدل ۔ تج ۔
مصلح ۔ کتیرا اسارون۔
مقدارخوراک ۔ ایک سے دو گرام ۔
روغن دارچینی
Chnnamon Oil
(Oleum Cinnamomoil)
انگریزی میں سنامم آئیل ۔
ماہیت ۔
دارچینی کا روغن عموماًچھال سے عمل کشید کے ذریعے حاصل کیاجاتاہے۔لیکن کچھ پتوں اور جڑوں سے بھی حاصل کیاجاتاہے۔تازہ تیل کارنگ زرد ہوتاہے۔لیکن زیادہ دیر پڑا رہے توکسی قدر سرخ ہوجاتاہے۔بو اور ذائقہ دار چینی کی طرح کاہوتاہے۔
استعمال ۔
مقوی باہ روغنوں میں اس کو شامل کیاجاتاہے۔اورضعف باہ کو دور کرنے کیلئے عضو مخصوص پر طلاءکرتے ہیں ۔یہ روغن زنبور گزیدہ اور عقرب گزیدہ پر لگانے سے درد اور سوزش کو تسکین دیتاہے۔سرد دردوں اور بیماریوں کیلئے مفیدہے۔
کیمیاوی اجزاء ۔سنامک آیلڈی ہائیڈسنے مک ایسڈ بوجی نول میتھل ان امل کی ٹون اور پی سائمن پایاجاتاہے۔
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